A five person team working under the auspices of RDAP updated the content of the SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) data sharing resource. This is a community resource that allows for tracking, understanding, and comparison of current U.S. federal funder research data sharing policies. By updating the content, these efforts sustain the resource as a useful tool for data management professionals, especially those supporting US government-funded research.
The group includes:
Jonathan Petters, Virginia Tech (Team lead)
Hannah Calkins, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Patricia Condon, University of New Hampshire
Rachel Woodbrook, University of Michigan
Reid Boehm, University of Houston
This updating project started in January 2020 and the updated content was released February 2021. The group came together around a shared desire to see this information resource sustained. This process allowed us to learn more about the nuances of the agencies, and about each other. We saw this update as a valuable endeavor for growth on many levels. The project leads to more collaboration opportunities between RDAP and SPARC and the group plans to write a manuscript comparing and contrasting the content in policy facets across the agencies giving a picture of the changes and trends over the last 5 years. To read more, visit the SPARC newsletter https://sparcopen.org/news/. More information about the process and content for each agency is available on the Open Science Framework at https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/C4PD8.